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South Africa Coal

Rb1 Coal

Harnessing Exceptional Energy Rb1 coal is recognized for its superior calorific value and minimal sulfur content, making it the highest grade of coal available in the South African market. It is extensively utilized in power generation facilities and industrial applications that require a cleaner-burning fuel. With its outstanding energy density, Rb1 coal promotes maximum efficiency while minimizing environmental repercussions.

Rb2 Coal

Fueling Industrial Growth Rb2 coal holds a prominent role in the South African market, characterized by its respectable calorific value and moderate sulfur levels. It is a preferred choice for industries seeking a dependable and economical fuel source. Its adaptability allows it to be employed in various applications, including cement production, steam generation, and other industrial processes.

Rb3 Coal

A Reliable Resource Rb3 coal, which has a slightly lower calorific value and higher sulfur content than Rb1 and Rb2, provides a dependable resource for multiple sectors within the South African market. It is widely used in brick kilns, small-scale industrial activities, and residential heating. Rb3 coal offers an economical option without sacrificing quality.

Parameter Unit RB1 RB2 RB3
Net Calorific Value (ARB) Kcal/kg 6000 5700 5500
Total Moisture (ARB) % 10-12 11-13 12-14
Inherent Moisture (ADB) % 3-5 3-5 3-5
Ash (ARB) % 12-15 14-17 20-23
Sulfur (ARB) % <1 <1 <1
Volatile Matter (ARB) % 22-26 21-25 20-24
Proximate analyses
Inherent moisture % 3
Total moisture % &
Aah % 15
Volation matter % 28
Fixed carbon % 54
Ultimate analyses
Carbon % 70.8
Hydrogen % 4.49
Nitrogen % 1.61
Oxygen % 23.1
Sulphur % 1.4
Forms of sulphur
Pyratic % 0.878
Sulphatic % 0.051
Organic % 0.271
Total % 1,200
HGI 56
Abrasion index 243
Ash fusion temperatures
Deformation temp °C +1220
Spherical temp °C +1250
Hernisphere temp °C +1280
Flow temp °C +1320
Deformation temp. °C +1260
Spherical temp °C +1310
Hemisphere temp °C +1340
Flow temp °C +1380
Calorific value
Gross specific energy MJ/kg 27
kcal/kg 6500
NAR specific energy MJ/kg 25
kcal/kg 6000
Ash composition
so, % 49.24
Al-On % 23.84
FeyO, % 11.07
TIO % 1.56
PrO % 0.30
CaO % 4.81
MgO % 1.73
NayO % 0.36
K2O % 1.07
so, % 4.47
MnO % 0.00
BaO % 0.18
S % 0.18
V2Os % 0.06
CryO2 % 0.06
ZrO2 % 0.11
Total % 99.05